Meet Reader Extraordinaire: Shannan Harper

It's Avid Readers' Appreciation Week. Today, Thursday, 11/12/2020, join Pamela Johnson as she moderates the celebration for our avid readers. This event will be filled with wonderful prizes, surprises, and giveaways.Join the celebration on Facebook here: Ann Marie Bryan's Readers' Cafe.
Meet our Honoree
Today, we are honoring reader extraordinaire, Shannan Harper. Shannan loves to read and she's also a book reviewer. She reviews books because "It’s very important to authors as well as other readers." Her favorite Scripture is Jeremiah 29:11, "because no matter what’s going on, it helps me to remember that God is always with me."

Check out my interview with Shannan.
Where is your favorite place to read?
I read anywhere, but I’m usually in my room in the bed reading.
What got you into reading in the first place?
I’ve always been a loner type. I remember my mom, with my brothers would always walk to the public library when we were younger. My mom was also a reader, so I would always see piles of her books going down to the basement.
What is your favorite genre and why?
Probably Christian Fiction. My dad was a preacher, and one of my brothers is a third generation preacher, so it has been ingrained in me.
What is your favorite part of a story?
When I see the title in the story. Also, I love children in a story. If they’re written like real children, they are so hilarious. I also love a good kiss in a romance.
How do you decide whether or not to buy a book?
There are a lot of authors that I automatically buy their books.Whatever they put out, I buy. If I see something in certain genres, especially the ones that are my favorite and primarily by black authors, I’ll read the blurb and see if it sounds interesting. If it is, I’ll take a chance.
How important are book covers and back cover description in your purchasing decision?
Cover is most important. I feel authors should treat it like a business and invest in covers. If it looks like a struggle cover, I’m more than likely not going to take a chance on it.
Do you like book teasers? Why or why not?
No, becasue if it’s good, I’m really mad then, because I won’t be able to read the rest of it.
What themes would you like to see in Christian Fiction?
I think more racial reconciliation would be good. That’s something we haven’t seen a lot of. And that it’s okay to walk away from abusive relationships. God still loves people that have gone through divorce.
What would you like to see in authors’ newsletters?
I’m not a big fan, but usually notification of new releases, as well as maybe news from their personal life that they would like to share.
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Ann Marie Bryan CEO & Founder, Victorious By Design Author, Encounters of the Heart series