It's Avid Readers' Appreciation Week! Today, Thursday, 11/10/2022, join Author Dr. Velma Bagby as she moderates the celebration for our avid readers. This event will be filled with wonderful prizes, surprises, and giveaways. Join the celebration on Facebook here: Ann Marie Bryan's Readers' Cafe.
Meet Our Honoree

We are honoring reader extraordinaire, Lisa Gibson. Here are fun facts about Lisa:
We know you like to read but what else do you like to do for fun?
I love to line dance. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, that is where you would find me every Saturday morning. Now, I just turn on YouTube and try different line dance each week.
Where is your favorite place to read?
Lounging on the couch in the family room.

Where is your favorite snack while reading?
Plain popcorn and sometimes a couple of Oreos.
Do you like coffee or tea?
Do you like chocolate or candy?
Beach or mountain?
What is your favorite scripture and why?
Psalms 150:1-6. This is my favorite scripture because I love to praise the Lord.
What got you into reading in the first place?
Growing up in a small town, there was not much to do. My mom would take me to the library every Saturday after Soul Train and wrestling, and I would check out a different book each week. I still try to read at least one book a week.
What is your favorite genre and why?
My favorite genre is Christian fiction romance novels. I love to read about romance and want to be able to recommend the books to others. Christian fiction also has biblical references within the story. I love a story that includes a sermon. It feels as if I am a part of the church service.
What is your favorite part of the story?
The ending because I just love a wonderful ending. I like to see the story line come together. Most of the time, I want the ending to be the start of a sequel. I want to continue with the characters and their lives.
How do you decide whether or not to buy a book?
I normally purchase a book based on an author. If I know the author’s work, I do not need to see anything but the release date so I can preorder. I have tried new authors based upon the recommendations of the authors I follow.
How important are book covers and back cover descriptions in your purchasing decision?
The covers are not important to me, but the back cover descriptions spark my curiosity in the book. I sometimes read the back description and purchase the book because I am drawn to the story, and I must read the book. I am not satisfied with the sample; I must read the book.
About Lisa
Lisa Gibson became a member of Mount Calvary Baptist Church in September 2013, under the leadership of Pastor Frank R. Kelly, Sr. Lisa currently serves as Director of the MCBC Praise Dance Ministry which consists of three groups: Praise Angels – Children Dancers, Angels of Praise – Youth Dancers and Expressions of Praise – Adult Dancers. She is also a member of the Usher Ministry serving faithfully welcoming members and visitors with a warm smile on her face and love in her heart. Lisa has an overpowering love for the elderly and ministers in dance at various Rehabilitation Centers throughout the DMV. One of Lisa’s favorite scriptures is Psalms 150:4 NLT “Praise him with the tambouring and dancing; praise him with strings and flutes” and personal moto “dance like no one is watching.”
Lisa is a veteran and military spouse, which has afforded her travel to different countries where she has met and made many friends who she considers as family. Her goal is to allow her light to shine that others may see how great a life of serving Christ may be. With an educational and experience background in human resources, she is always ready to assist or serve others. She loves the scripture. “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones’ Proverbs 17:22 NIV. She is known to break out in dance at any time or any place. Lisa loves to put a smile on the face of everyone she meets and is quick to offer words of encouragement.
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