It's Avid Readers' Appreciation Week! Today, Friday, 11/12/2021, join Ryan Smith as she moderates the celebration for our avid readers. This event will be filled with wonderful prizes, surprises, and giveaways. Join the celebration on Facebook here: Ann Marie Bryan's Readers' Cafe.
Meet Our Honoree

Today, we are honoring reader extraordinaire, LaCeasha Turner. Here’s a bit about LaCeasha: My name is LaCeasha Turner. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration from The University of Arkansas at Monticello. I have been married for 30 years to my college sweetheart Gvona Turner, Sr., we have two children and four grandchildren, I am also a member of Delta Sigma Theta, Inc.
I am a member of Gates Chapel African Methodist Episcopal Church. I am a member of the Crossett Recreation Board where I serve as secretary. I love reading, spending time with my family, and traveling.
Fun Facts About LaCeasha
We know you love to read but what else do you do for fun?
I enjoy photography, listening to music and spending time with my grandchildren.
What is your favorite place to read?
My favorite place to read is outside.
What is your favorite snack while reading?
Salsa and chips
Do you like coffee or tea? Tea
Chocolate or candy? Chocolate
Beaches or mountains? Beach
What is your favorite Scripture and why?
Psalms 9:1. I love to praise The Lord and share with others how good he is.
What got you into reading in the first place?
Reading with friends and sharing our thoughts about books.
What is your favorite genre and why?
Historical Fiction. Not only do you get a good story, but you learn a bit of history.
What is your favorite part of a story?
The epilogue because you get to see just a little more of how the ending plays out.
How do you decide whether or not to buy a book?
The synopsis
How important are book covers and back cover description in your purchasing decision?
I love a beautiful cover, but it doesn’t determine if I buy a book. The description, however, is important.
Do you like book teasers? Why or why not?
I love teasers because to get just a little glimpse of the story.
Do you write book reviews? Why or why not?
I try to write reviews, but I get a little nervous writing them. I don’t want to spoil it for other readers.
How can authors attract new readers?
Host reading events (virtual or in person) giveaways and being personable with readers.
What would you like to see in authors’ newsletters?
What they’re working on, what they are read, and recommendation on new authors and stories.