Walking in my purpose

I believe I am walking in my purpose. My purpose brings significance, value and stability to my life.
My greatest passion is to empower others to succeed by gaining greater self-awareness through the knowledge of God’s Word. It is a natural calling to encourage others to achieve personal excellence so they can live life to the fullest.
It has been an interesting journey to get where I am today. A journey, mostly, of learning to follow the footprints that God has laid out for me, of letting go of fear and wanting affirmations from others and above all, a journey of learning to be my authentic self and to love me – the good, the bad, quirks and all. Today, I have not arrived, but I am working the gifts that God has deposited in me and I am abiding in Him. Now, instinctively I go to God first and let Him lead me. I desire to make my life a ministry for the Lord.

Of course, there are many positives to walking in my purpose. The amazing thing is that God continues to multiply what I have surrendered to Him. With all the knowledge and experiences that God has so graciously blessed me with, I am determined to advance the Kingdom while using my entrepreneurial expertise to meet the needs of individuals and organizations.
So what about you, do you believe that you are walking in your purpose and what did it take to get you to this point? Let me hear from you.
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Ann Marie Bryan
CEO & Founder, Victorious By Design
Author, Encounters of the Heart series