Set the Atmosphere

Are you helping to create the atmosphere in which you live?
I hope you are, because the atmosphere in which you live, can either sustain you or kill you. The great news is that—you can set the atmosphere.
You can contribute negatively or positively to the atmosphere in which you live. So endeavor to create an atmosphere where God finds it easy to bless you.

Remember that creating a great atmosphere takes time and energy. True too, it is not only about what you bring to the table, but what you put up with. So, be ever present and keep looking to the Lord. Inject faith and hope into the atmosphere.
Keeping trusting God, and keep praying. Prayer has a way of bringing clarity to a situation. Above all, you will leave the place of prayer, holding God's unchanging hand.
Stay focused. Stay motivated.
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Ann Marie Bryan
CEO & Founder, Victorious By Design
Author, Encounters of the Heart series