A Place For My Heart

A moment with Chandler and Sabrina:
“Oh, great. Let’s go.” “Yes, ma’am.” He fell in step beside her, looking curiously at the medium-size bowl she was carrying. “A bowl? The plot thickens,” Chandler said. “Where are we going?” “You’ll see in ten minutes.” She walked towards a four-seater electric cart that was parked on the driveway. “Hop in.” He stalled, all kinds of emotions running through him. On top of his list—he hadn’t been driven by a woman in forever. He glanced at her and found her piercing him with her gaze. “I know you’re not deliberating if I can drive this thing,” she argued. “I’ve been driving things like this since my teenage years.” “Let me drive,” he said. “Why? Stop being silly and hop in.” She turned on the ignition. Oh God! This is weird. His feet refused to move. “Are you coming?” He dragged himself over to the cart and slid in beside her. A grin covered her face. “You’re such a control freak.” “I’m not,” he mumbled, as she drove off.
(Copyrighted. An excerpt - A Place For My Heart by Ann Marie Bryan)
Don’t miss out on this emotionally gripping account of a most unexpected love. You’ll keep turning the pages long past your bedtime.
Thank you in advance for reading "A Place For My Heart". I pray that the story of Chandler Peynard touches your heart in a meaningful way. May God continue to bless you on your journey.
Standalone books in the Encounters of the Heart series:
Book 1- Shades of the Heart (The story of Blake & Gabrielle Montgomery)
Book 2 - Mirrored Heart: Sealed by Fire (The story of Larry & Rozene Kanate)
Book 3 - A Place for my Heart (The story of Chandler Peynard & Sabrina Benjamin)
Book 4 - Where My Heart Belongs (The story of Tyler Bradshaw & Madison Kanate)

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Ann Marie Bryan CEO & Founder, Victorious By Design Author, Encounters of the Heart series www.annmariebryan.com www.victoriousbydesign.com