A Way Out

“Briefly, I want to share with you what God has placed on my heart for a time such as this. If you are here, this Word is for you…and for me.” He chuckled. “God is good; He gave me a Word for you and for me. Please turn your Bibles to Psalm 119:11 and stand when you’ve found it.”
He waited before saying, “Let’s read together—‘Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.’ You may be seated,” Tyler instructed.
The congregation sat and looked attentive.
“The Scripture says,” Tyler’s voice rang out, “‘Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.’ Oh God, deliver us from sin and the bondage of sin. You see, we must continuously be delivered in our spirits and in our minds, from the bondage of sin. None of us can deliver ourselves from sin. Only God can deliver us from sin.”

He smiled as he looked at the congregation. “I am forever grateful to God for sending His son, Jesus Christ, to shed His blood for my sins and your sins.”
The congregation knocked their tambourines and clapped while belting aloud praises to God.
After the worship died down, Tyler picked up. “Jesus Christ came to preach deliverance to the captives. The anointing of God on His life enabled Him to preach to the captives—to tell them there is a way out. We cannot be God’s people and still be tied or yoked to sinful pleasures. Imprisoned to bad thoughts, ideas, and practices.”
Tyler stepped beside the podium, pausing for maximum impact. “There are many people—many people—who are filled with the Holy Spirit, but still in prison in certain areas of their lives. Yes, it is possible.”
The congregation was all ears.
(The above is an excerpt from Where My Heart Belongs by Ann Marie Bryan. Copyrighted.)
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Ann Marie Bryan
CEO & Founder, Victorious By Design
Author, Encounters of the Heart series