Walking In My Purpose

I believe I am. My purpose brings significance, value and stability to my life.
My greatest passion is to empower others to succeed by gaining greater self-awareness through the knowledge of God’s Word. It is a natural calling to encourage others to achieve personal excellence so they can live life to the fullest.
It has been an interesting journey to get where I am today. A journey, mostly, of learning to follow the footprints that God has laid out for me, of letting go of fear and wanting affirmations from others and above all, a journey of learning to be my authentic self and to love me – the good, the bad, quirks and all.
Today, I have not arrived but I am working the gifts that God has deposited in me and I am abiding in Him. Now, instinctively I go to God first and let Him lead me. I desire to make my life a ministry for the Lord.

Of course, there are many positives to walking in my purpose. The amazing thing is that God continues to multiply what I have surrendered to Him. With all the knowledge and experiences that God has so graciously blessed me with, I am determined to advance the Kingdom while using my entrepreneurial expertise to meet the needs of individuals and organizations.
Are you walking in purpose?
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Ann Marie Bryan CEO & Founder, Victorious By Design Author, Encounters of the Heart series www.annmariebryan.com www.victoriousbydesign.com