A Place For My Heart - 10 Things You Didn't Know

I am super-excited to share my latest release, A Place For My Heart. This is an emotionally gripping story about the relationship between Chandler Peynard and Sabrina Benjamin.
The central theme in this compelling story is God’s grace. In his darkest moment, Chandler discovers the Lord of all creation and becomes a witness that grace wins every time. Sabrina learns to place her confidence in God because He will keep His promises.
Life-altering struggles are often the pathway to new beginnings, and A Place For My Heart is an excellent demonstration of this truth.
Behind The Scene
Here are ten things you didn't know about "A Place For My Heart".
1. The first draft was way over five hundred pages so I contemplated making it into two books..
2. With Aunt Connie’s character, I tested my comedic skills in this book.
3. Since Chandler Peynard, the protagonist, was on everyone’s “hate” list, I thought long and hard about the characteristics that would make him likeable. Plus, I had to come up with a background story that would cause readers to develop sympathy for him.
4. The hardest scene to write was the proposal because I wanted it to be thoughtful and different.
5. After the first draft, I was relieved. The story was finally out of my head. The characters were always talking.
6. The members of my readers’ café were a blessing during the writing of this book, they answered my book research questions and made valuable suggestions.
7. I was surprised to discover that actor Shemar Moore resembled Chandler Peynard.
8. As always, I pray about the central theme of my story. One morning, while getting ready for work, it hit me that “A Place For My Heart” was about God’s grace. While driving to work, the radio was on, and I heard “Grace Wins” by Matthew West, gospel recording artiste. This song pretty much wraps up “A Place For My Heart". Now, I refer to it as Chandler’s song.
9. I ran a contest in my Facebook readers’ café for suggested titles, and a member of the café suggested the title, A Place For My Heart.
10. It was hard to let go of the story because it felt as if I had taken the journey with Chandler.
NEW RELEASE: Book 3 - A Place For My Heart

Crushed by heartache and desperate for an escape, he makes a life-changing choice.
When Chandler Peynard staggers into Sabrina Benjamin’s life, he is desperate for an escape route. Battling feelings of isolation, he has erected barriers around his heart, often times leaving a trail of broken dreams behind him. Sabrina’s happily-ever-after was ripped away months ago, but she hasn’t given up on finding love. Still, she is caught off guard by her feelings for Chandler, a man who could hardly be described as a model man of God. As an unexpected bond develops between them, she wants more—a lot more than Chandler is prepared to give, because falling in love and putting down roots are not a part of his plan. Touched by Sabrina’s kindness and faith, Chandler makes a life-changing choice; however, complication is inevitable when the past he’d thought was long buried, pushes him to confront matters he would have given anything to forget. As he struggles to release himself from his past and embrace the future, he offers Sabrina a place in his heart, but she demands all of it. In a season that has brought so many changes, Chandler longs for peace in his soul and yearns for love. Will he trust God with all of his heart in order to overcome his past? Will he be able to testify that God’s grace wins every time? Will he find the strength to take a chance at life and love with Sabrina?
I pray that this story will touch your heart in a meaningful way, and that you will experience the amazing grace of God as you read.
I would love to hear from you.
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Ann Marie Bryan CEO & Founder, Victorious By Design Author, Encounters of the Heart series www.annmariebryan.com www.victoriousbydesign.com