Share Your Story

I choose to share my story. I like serving others and I want to make a difference.
Perhaps you have an idea for a book. It could be your first book. You’ve never attempted anything this huge and your life is already too hectic…a job, family, and many other activities.
How can you do this insurmountable task?
I know you’ve heard it a thousand times but it is the truth - there’s never going to be a perfect time. There is no magic formula. Writing is a discipline. Keep at it, day by day. A few words will soon turn into a chapter.
After approximately two years of planning, writing and editing, I joyfully published my inspirational novel, Unforgettable, My Love has Come Along. Though, I must admit that I did not write consistently, except for the last few months of the two years.
To move yourself further along, ask yourself this question – Why am I writing?
Generally, people write for two reasons, either they are required to or they choose to write for their own reasons. I wrote “Unforgettable, My Love has Come Along” for the following reasons:
1. Everyone likes a great love story.
2. To reiterate that love is a decision.
3. To promote the Christian faith and values.
4. To encourage readers to apply Godly principles to their relationships.
5. To spread God’s Word and touch lives.
6. To share God’s faithfulness as the various characters deal with issues.
7. To show the striking contrast between walking in the Spirit and walking in
the flesh as regards relationships.
8. To show the nature of God.
I encourage you to get a notebook or your laptop and begin to write/type out your ideas for your book. The entire process will be very exciting and you will learn things you never knew about yourself. Your writing journey will inspire, empower, educate, and challenge you and others.
Don’t delay. Go ahead! Write your story and share it with the world.
I would love to hear from you.
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Ann Marie Bryan CEO & Founder, Victorious By Design Author, Encounters of the Heart series