Don't Bury It

Is it going to happen?
How many times have you wondered, prayed, talked about it, imagined it completed… this dream of yours? Will it ever come to pass?
Well… if it isn’t dead, don’t bury it. Speak life over it. Don’t speak doubt and discouragement. Speak the blessings of God over it and expect a magnificent outcome. If you sow seeds of negativity over your dream then you will reap negative results.
Be honest with yourself. Is this your dream or someone else’s dream? Is this a part of God’s plan for your life? If yes, then have faith in God!
You are the only one who can accomplish your dream. You will have to do it yourself… yes, you! You will have help but this is your dream. You will carry the joys, the sorrows, the disappointments, and the triumphs of your dream. This is your “baby” so it is your responsibility to see it through to full development.
Here are a few tips to consider as you move forward, purposefully in the direction of your dreams:
1. Waiting is a part of the process. Yes, I know. We all hate to wait. However, we develop patience while we wait. Waiting stretches us to our limits and shows the “fibers” that we are made of.
2. Put pen to paper and record your dream. Be clear and specific about your dream so you can identify workable ways to fulfill it.
3. Make sure your timing is right; not just any timing, but God’s timing. Seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Remember, if God has called you, He has equipped you with the skills necessary to complete your dream.
4. Do research to obtain information on how you can best leverage your knowledge and abilities to fulfill your dream. The internet is filled with information of all sorts.
5. Benchmark against the best in the area of your assignment. Nevertheless, be a trend setter. Do not be afraid to break new ground.
6. It’s okay to ask for help. Don’t be overwhelmed by your lack of knowledge about a particular area of your dream. Select a person or organization to approach, who you believe has the knowledge or ability to help you succeed.
7. Stay away from negative people and those who will talk you out of your dream.
8. Develop a plan with timelines to accomplish your dream.
9. Dare to pursue your dream.
10. Prayerfully take decisive actions. Move the ball forward, step by step, brick by brick.
11. Be enthusiastic about your dream. It will help you to move forward when things are not going as planned. Keep pressing along during the times of failures and hardship.
12. Put a lid on your mouth. Bring “crazy” thoughts under the subjection of the Holy Spirit. Stay expectant! Trust God. He will bring it to pass.
13. Celebrate the milestones you have achieved during the process of completing your dream.
Be excellent in whatever God has called you to do. Ask God for the strength and determination to pursue your dream with joy. So go on! Ready! Set! Go! Don’t you ever forget, you are Victorious By Design.
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Ann Marie Bryan
CEO & Founder, Victorious By Design
Author, Encounters of the Heart series